I was asked what my goal is for 2024. I'm ditching the resolutions and picking a word that sums up what I want for myself this year: Empowerment.
My goals will stay the SAME, regardless of the day. Ensuring each day adds fuel to the fire of progress and excitement
Here's my recipe for conquering 2024:
➕Faith: Trusting the plan, putting it all in God's hands, and being able to relax without worry.
➕Confidence: Embracing me, celebrating my skills, and giving self-doubt the boot.
➕Grace: Cutting myself and others some slack because we're all human. Seeing the best in people and serving grace, even when it feels undeserved.
➕Discipline: Tackling the things I'd rather avoid because it's what's needed to help me grow.
➕Growth: It's the keyword, the jackpot. Growth in mindset, muscles (yeah, that's a big one for me), patience, business, productivity, faith, and relationships; all of the growth.
So, here's to making goals that feel like a daily boost of empowerment. May your days be exciting, your goals be achievable, and may you grow in all the right places. Cheers